Nanowrimo · Stupid Advice Saturday

Stupid Advice Saturday: “Write what you know”

It’s Stupid Advice Saturday! Last week we talked about how said is, happily, not dead. This week’s victim: “Write what you know.” On the face of it, this is actually not bad advice. We all have unique experiences in this world – unique perspectives and stories of our own that need telling. We should write… Continue reading Stupid Advice Saturday: “Write what you know”

Nanowrimo · Warmup Wednesday

Warmup Wednesday: Do you really need all that stuff in your novel?

“Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” -Coco Chanel Aside from being a thorn in the side of everyone trying to rock a maximalist aesthetic for the better part of the last century, this is actually a pretty good piece of writing advice. At least, it is for… Continue reading Warmup Wednesday: Do you really need all that stuff in your novel?

Nanowrimo · Story Structure Sunday

Story Structure Sunday: How to write act one of a novel

“Write down everything that happens in the story, then in your second draft make it look like you knew what you were doing all along.” -Neil Gaiman Every Sunday of this glorious National Novel Writing Month 2022, I’ll be doing a mini-deep-dive into a particular element of story structure that might be giving you trouble… Continue reading Story Structure Sunday: How to write act one of a novel

Nanowrimo · Stupid Advice Saturday

Stupid Advice Saturday: “Said is Dead”

Welcome to the first of four Stupid Advice Saturdays, where I debunk ridiculously common but also ridiculously misguided writing advice that you should absolutely under no circumstances listen to. Or at the very least, take with the most massive grain of salt you can possibly find. First on our list we have one of the… Continue reading Stupid Advice Saturday: “Said is Dead”

Nanowrimo · Warmup Wednesday

Warmup Wednesday: Let’s fix your dialogue

Welcome to the first Warmup Wednesday! Every Wednesday during Nanowrimo this year, I’ll be sharing a different writing exercise to help you get into the swing of noveling. This week, we’re doing one of my favorite warmups: plain dialogue. The beginning of a novel is all about characterization: establishing who your characters are, what they… Continue reading Warmup Wednesday: Let’s fix your dialogue

Nanowrimo · Writing Tips

Nanowrimo advice that will actually help you win

Happy Halloween — and more importantly, happy Nanowrimo Eve! With the very best month of the year just hours away, the anxiety is setting in for many. What, you may wonder, in the name of all that is good, were you thinking signing up for this thing? Worse still, all anyone will tell you is… Continue reading Nanowrimo advice that will actually help you win