Analysis · Reviews

Stranger Things Season 4 has some important lessons for writers

Believe it or not, I planned to publish this the same weekend Part 2 of Stranger Things Season 4 released, way back in the beginning of July. But after witnessing a lot of discourse online, rewatching the entire season from the start, and rewriting this post more times than I can even count, a review… Continue reading Stranger Things Season 4 has some important lessons for writers

Writing Tips

How to communicate that tragic backstory you worked so stinkin’ hard on

You’ve spent hours. You’ve been slaving away. You’ve taken seventeen different personality tests, generated a full horoscope analysis that was so long it took ten minutes to download, and filled out every character sheet Pinterest has to offer. You can recite every detail about your character’s life, from their first word to their last. And… Continue reading How to communicate that tragic backstory you worked so stinkin’ hard on


What, like it’s hard? Legally Blonde: the Musical and the Science of Adaptation

Welcome to my first in-depth analysis! These won’t be super frequent because they do take a heck of a lot of work (hence my brief hiatus – sorry ‘bout that, by the way), so if this isn’t your thing, never fear – we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled writerly content on Thursday. But if… Continue reading What, like it’s hard? Legally Blonde: the Musical and the Science of Adaptation

Writing Tips

How to get the most out of your romance subplot

Romance is one of the highest-grossing genres of all time, consistently pulling in literal billions of dollars in book sales every year. According to this article, romance has never fallen out of the top 5 bestselling book genres. But romance subplots are also found in virtually every other genre, and for good reason. They draw… Continue reading How to get the most out of your romance subplot